Inspirational MusingsWeekly Column

Be a Light Bringer

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Posted By christyadams008

I am sitting here in the oncologist’s office for my husband’s first infusion. We are surrounded by people who are in different stages of cancer treatments. Many are walking in for the first time, like we did a few weeks ago. They are nervous, worried and trying to push back fearful tears. There are others who are familiar with the processes, come right in, and sit down. But then there are the ones who come bounding in and bring the light with them right in the door.
This one older gentleman came in with happy greetings, hugs,  handshakes, and was decked out in a bright red 3 piece suit, complete with hat and feather. He was obviously a frequent flyer and knew everyone by name. He absolutely lit up the room with joy as he moved from station to station. There were several other folks who made a point to speak positively , joke, and jest with the nurses and other staff. Hidden under frail bodies and stocking caps, their smiles were contagious and their joy was obvious.
To be honest, I want to be one of those light bringers, but I’m just not there yet. Today has been really hard. We had outside factors that all hit within 24 hours of this big first in our lives and the tears erupted no matter how much I tried to push them back. There’s  no way to fix my emotions. There’s no way to fix anything, really. We just have to keep walking forward. One step at a time, one day at a time. 
I read a meme on Facebook a few weeks ago that referenced the story of Lazarus in the bible.  Jesus loved Lazarus deeply. When he got there he was greeted with the news of Lazarus’ death and even though He was about to raise his friend from the dead, Jesus still wept. The  meme said that even Jesus cried at the sad parts. I have held that picture close lately and it has given me so much freedom to let the tears fall. Now don’t get me wrong, we have had an abundance of blessings as of late. God has been good to us in ways we have never seen before. So many family, friends, and faithful readers have hunted us down to tell us they’re praying for us. Every time we hear this, our spirits are lifted and we can absolutely feel your prayers for us. So many others have been physically present to help with projects and day to day things. Its humbling to be the recipients of so much love from everyone. We are so blessed.
But even in the midst of blessings, there will be some sad parts. There will be hard  days and tough moments. I’m so thankful that when I’m struggling to find joy that God is faithful to send us an abundance of light bringers. Just like that man in the red suit waltzed in and left a trail of joy, so many of you are dancing that same jig and bringing that same joy right into the door of our life. 
We live in a dark world filled with pain and heartache and we need the joy of light bringers. I’m so grateful for the ones who have come our way recently. I challenge you to keep the light going and share with anyone you can. One text. One call. One prayer. One encouraging word. It can make all the difference. Put on that bright red suit and waltz right into someone’s life with joy an light this week. Be the light bringer they so desperately need.

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