I’ll never forget when my friend first began attending our church. As she walked down the halls, she noticed our […]

The Kitties Disappeared
The wind howled and thunder boomed. Rain pelted the clay earth around our porch and streamed down the hill in […]

Doing Everything Wrong On Purpose
I’ve done everything wrong this week. Drank less water. Added caffeinated, carbonated drinks daily. Ate sugar with little restraint. My […]

Dirt Roads, Porch Swings, & Rocking Chairs
Cain, the Christian music group, has a new song called Windows Down. They sing of meeting God while driving winding […]

Heart Monitor
I’ve been dreading the thirty-day heart monitor my doctor ordered. With my sensory and texture struggles, the idea of a […]

When the Kitties Call
For those of you who have been following my stories, before we left for our mission trip to Alaska, I […]

Will You Also Sing in the Waiting
I often wonder what song would be playing behind the scenes if my life was a movie. Go ahead. Smile […]

Like a Clock
I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about the hard workers at Bible camp two weeks ago. They weren’t […]

What is Kokrine Hills Bible Camp?
May 2008. I came home from work to my husband asking for help sending an email. He was searching on […]

The Longest Part of the Trip
As many may know, our family of four spent ten days in Central Alaska at Kokrine Hills Bible Camp. We […]