As 2021 comes to a close, I find myself lost in introspection. I’m not big on resolutions, but I’m a huge goal setter. Even little tasks throughout the day seem more achievable if I break them down into bite-sized goals.

This time last year, I prayed and asked God to place a word on my heart to guide me through 2021. The word was INTENTIONAL. There were huge writing dreams I was chasing that would require holding certain time frames and days of the week sacred. I knew there would be much research and focused correspondence with publishers, editors, and agents. But not only did I need to be intentional in my writing path, but also in my personal, spiritual, and emotional departments.

As my grandpa became unexpectedly ill at the first of the year, that word came to mind. Intentional. I would have missed saying my goodbyes if that word had not been present in the forefront of my mind.

Since then, it’s been a steady roller coaster of emotions between both grandmas ending up in the nursing home, my husband having more health issues, my dad getting his hip replaced, and my own personal health journey. Throw in trying to build our own house (yes, we are still at it), normal parenting struggles, trying to work, and juggling everyday life—I needed to be intentional.

Some days, through tears, I questioned. Other days I praised God for his provision. And still other days I wallowed in self-pity. But it wasn’t long before God reminded me—be intentional.

It’s been a year of ups and downs but striving to be intentional in all areas has gotten me through. I still question the timing, but in the middle of all the year’s chaos, God has blessed me with two book contracts with the potential for more. I feel like a dog chasing a car; I’ve caught it, now what in the world am I supposed to do with it! There are more questions than answers, but I’m grateful for the way God has answered prayers and opened doors, even in the midst of hard stuff.

As I look ahead at 2022, I’m ready to shed the weight of all the difficulties of 2021, but most of them will follow me. I can’t hide from life. Intentionality must still be the word I choose to hold onto.

So, 2022, my word remains the same. INTENTIONAL. In all aspects of my life.

Some of the words I have heard from readers this week:

Perseverance, Active, Humility, Alive, Joy, Kindness, Presence, Productive, Laughter, Live, Vision, Finished, No, Declutter, Grateful, Balance, and Grace.

How about you? As you reflect on the last year and look ahead to the next, what will your word be? I’d love to hear from you and cheer you on in your journey. Comment and let me know so I can encourage you on this journey!

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2 Comments on What’s Your Word for 2022?

2 Replies to “What’s Your Word for 2022?”

  1. I’m so proud of you. My word continues to be persistence, a slight variation on intentional. Are both contracts for devotionals? Can’t wait to read them and to buy one for all my friends. You are amazing. Your faith has helped me step up my faith steps. You’ll never know how you’ve helped me and inspired me. Thank you!

    1. I’m so glad we can encourage and spur one another on in this journey! One contract is for a devotional and more recently, contracted for a middle grade novel series! Keep it up sister. Persistence will pay off. So, so proud of your writing, too! Can’t wait.

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