Inspirational Musings

Weeds and New Growth

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Posted By christybassadams

KINDLE_CAMERA_1417786479000The cold snap last month got most of my plants, so I decided to trim off all the dead leaves and branches. As I was moving through the flowerbed I was amazed at how many weeds had sprouted up since the last time I weeded. As I was pulling weeds I couldn’t help but wonder what weeds I had let grow in my own life. Am I taking time to examine every area closely or am I allowing weeds to creep in without warning? Do I do a good job of listening to God or am I more concerned with doing all the talking? Am I content with a few weeds here and there or do I desire purity?

I pondered on these things for a little while as my hands grew weary from trying to get the deep roots of the weeds out of the ground. There were a few I gave up on. As I move ahead I wondered: am I still willing to tackle the hard stuff that sneaks in? Or do I avoid it because it’s too hard to deal with?

Tired and sore, I decided to to take a break from the weeds and trim off the dead stuff. As I trimmed, I couldn’t help but question: If all this dead stuff has to be cut off in order for new growth, what dead stuff in my life needs to go so that I can get new growth? What things still define me that I need to cut loose? What habits, actions and attitudes are stifling new growth?

Needless to say, I have a lot of pondering to do as I go back outside and finish working in these flowerbeds today. Won’t you take some time and ponder with me? What stuff has snuck back in to your life that needs to go? What dead stuff is still hanging on to you that is stifling growth? Are you content? If not, let’s take it to God and get His help to move out the old and bring in the new!

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