Inspirational Musings


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Posted By christybassadams

Waiting is not an easy task, especially for a 2 year old.  Last week, I wanted to work outside before it got too hot. We found Carter’s tractor and he followed me around in the yard digging up dirt everywhere that I went. This lasted about 20 minutes and he was ready to go back inside. I convinced him to go get his tricycle and follow along beside me. That gave me about 10 more minutes. He kept climbing the steps on the front porch and standing there waving at me and yelling, “Ma! Ma! Mamamamama!” I looked up and said, “Carter, listen. Mama is done in the flowerbed, but I need to weed eat out here where the grass is so tall. I want you to be able to walk through it safely, okay?” (I didn’t expect cooperation, but I hoped for it.) He sat down on the top step, put his hands in his lap, nodded at me and said, “Yes.” I turned the weed eater on and quickly began cutting the weeds back. He just sat there watching me; not fussing or calling me, just patiently waiting.

When I got done I gave him a high five and thanked him for waiting so well (The day before, he had screamed and fussed the entire time I was trying to work in the flowerbed, even when I gave him jobs and tried to get him to help by using his tractor). As I watched such a contrast take place in my child from one day to the next, it made me think about how I respond to God while I’m in a waiting period. Am I the child running behind him calling him incessantly? Am I fussing and screaming the entire time even when He’s trying to show me how to wait and still be productive? Or do I quietly sit and wait on him as he’s removing the tall weeds from an area so that I will be able to pass through it safely?

Honestly, I’m not a good wait-er. I’d like to say I’m in the last category but in reality I’m the kid running behind him calling his name and whining, hoping that my constant “under-footness” will make him move along a little faster. But if I would just take the time to wait on him, his timing is always just right.

What kind of wait-er are you?

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