My family doesn’t visit beaches on Spring Break, we visit the bays. While others flood to the sandy shores of […]

Why Are You In Here?
One day last week, we left for school as we do every other day. The boys turned off the lights […]

Friday, I took our cats to get spayed and neutered. One of the instructions was to let them sleep inside […]

Permission to Grieve
We always hear the importance of grieving. “Make sure you grieve,” is a common phrase after someone passes. “Give yourself […]

Learning a New Pace
After my oldest son, Carter, was born, I tried running. Yes, on purpose. And no, not from a creature chasing […]

Surviving vs. Living
I stood in the back corner if the worship center. On stage was a group of adults who had once […]

Taking Care of You, Part 2
Little did I know last week when I wrote about slowing down and taking care of myself that I would […]

Taking Care of You
I had two people tell me this week that I was too busy, needed to slow down and take care […]