We had a large event planned at church this weekend. Excitedly we prepped and prayed in anticipation of being together. […]

“Snakey” Instincts
“What in the world is that dog after?” I yelled from around the corner. My husband and I were working […]

Life. Is. Hard.
“Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. Choose your hard. Obesity is hard. Being fit is hard. Choose your hard. Being […]

When I “Pea” on the Floor
“Well, listen. Don’t worry about spilling stuff all over yourself. I’ve already dropped peas on my pants and then they […]

Spaghetti Arms
“Look, spaghetti arms. This is my dance space. This is your dance space. I don’t go into yours, you don’t […]

Not Today, Lizard
Summertime in Florida means inundation with creepy crawlies. Everything I did Saturday involved interactions with some sort of unwelcomed creature. […]

Going Forward
“Ok, so I need you to watch for me as I back the truck up. I don’t want to run […]

Eating an Elephant
I have been excitedly anticipating this stage in our house building project. This is year five of us attempting to […]

Real Rain
My dad has a fair-sized garden this year. There is an electric fence to keep the varmints at bay and […]

I’m not sure what it is about seeing a snake. I lose all sense of proper reasoning and everything around […]