We always hear the importance of grieving. “Make sure you grieve,” is a common phrase after someone passes. “Give yourself […]

What a Week!
This has been one heck of a week. Locally, we tragically lost a treasured nurse practitioner, Lucy Strickland, who touched […]

Watching Papa Die
(Update: Papa passed away the day after I wrote this and we had his funeral this past Thursday.) Some things […]

Are You Ready?
Whenever I hear about someone finding out they have cancer, there’s a lump that forms deep in my throat. Immediately […]

Guaranteed Fresh Until…
“I live life differently now that I might have an expiration date,” my husband half smiled as he turned his […]

When I Die
Their faces were glowing. Their eyes smiled as they sang the words, “Some glad morning when this life is o’er, […]

Just Because There Is Death Doesn’t Mean It’s Dead
Just because there is death, doesn’t mean it’s dead. I have been repeating this sentence to myself for the past […]