Inspirational Musings

Summers to Remember

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Posted By christyadams008

Twenty-four years ago. It still seems like yesterday. Newly graduated from high school—the class of 2000. My parents drove me over four hundred miles and dropped me off at Ridgecrest Conference Center where I would work on the buffet line for the summer. Excited wasn’t an expressive enough word to describe how I felt. This would be my first full time job. And my first summer away from home.

            As I drove through the Ridgecrest campus last week, memories flooded my mind. The staff center and our summer “dorms” were like I remembered. The buffet lines, upgraded of course, were in the same place. So many friendships were formed in that cafeteria.

            If we weren’t working, we could sneak into the balcony area of conferences. I saw Beth Moore, Sandy Patti, and John Piper that summer as a seventeen-year-old kid. We also jumped into the vehicle of anyone headed off campus when we had days off. Sliding Rock, Asheville, The Dripolator Coffee Shop, concerts, nature walks, and new churches filled those free days.

            On July fourth we hiked to the top of Rattlesnake Mountain to have an up-close view of the fireworks. Much to our surprise, they were miniscule, little pops of color below us, and all we could do was laugh and soak in the moments together.

            Amazing friendships were forged. New challenges were confronted. And memories were embedded that will last a lifetime.

            The wonderful reality of Ridgecrest is that even twenty-four years later as I attended the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, my experience was somewhat similar. I made new friends, confronted new challenges, and made memories that will last a lifetime.

Make It Happen           

Reflecting on this week and also on my summer so long ago, I’m reminded of the importance of doing the things that matter while you can.

Go on that trip.

Take that summer volunteer position.

Accept the internship.

Go to the lake with your friends.

Sit on the bank and fish.

Climb the mountain for the sunrise.

Watch silly movies with your kids.

Sign up for the mission trip.

Go camping in the backyard.

Eat the whole container of cheeseballs.

Throw grapes into a friend’s mouth.

Sing karaoke.

Sit and pet the cats.

            Just make sure you do it. “One day” comes and goes in a blink. Now is the time for us all to start making summers to remember.

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2 thoughts on “Summers to Remember
  1. Pam Halter

    This is so timely, Christy. Just this morning, I learned a friend’s 12-year-old daughter suffered a severe brain bleed last Sat (from something that was surgically fixed when she was born). There’s nothing the doctors can do. They’ve put her on pallative care.

    We don’t know what will happen from one minute to the next. Don’t wait to call a friend, give a gift, spend time, play, sing, buy that crazy item at the thrift store. The hardest thing to live with is regret.

    I’m thankful I met you!

    • christyadams008

      You’re so right. I loved that you and your friend took time to travel around the Blue Ridge trip. Exactly what I’m talking about. Glad we met too!!

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