Inspirational Musings

Snake in My House

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Posted By christyadams008

There are those moments that shape you for a lifetime…and then there are those moments that make you freak out, freeze, and forget how to function. Last week, I experienced was the latter.

It was pouring rain, and we were headed out the back door to the car. Carter left the door open and turned around to come back inside and froze. “Snake!” The yell must have sounded inviting, because a ginormous oak snake came slithering right into my back door.

Now, listen, I can problem solve and coordinate all day long, but for some reason my brain stopped working while I watched the never-ending body slowly enter my house and disappear behind my drier. The kids stayed outside and left me to handle the snake, so I knew I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. Thankfully he was behind the drier in an alcove area, so there were only two exit points. I’d stand guard and take my chances with him emerging rather than running and not knowing where he was. There’s no way I’d ever close my eyes at night if I knew there was a snake loose in my house.

I looked side to side and all I could find was a broom. At least I could try to corral him if he crawled out. Then I called David and asked if he could change his plans and come rescue me from the snake; the giant one that let himself in and was hiding behind the drier. He just cackled and told me he wished he’d have been there to see it. He did promise to head home and help me.

Eventually I called for Carter and asked him to find some weapons. A shovel and machete came to my aid and we each took a broom, the extra weapon of choice, and we watched and waited. Every part of my insides were shaking and rational thought continued to escape me.

Finally, David got there. If you have a Facebook account, the video is on my page. You’ll appreciate this story so much more if you hear David talking to the snake while lying on the washing machine, his feet in the air.

David was honestly surprised at how big the snake was. Apparently, I have the tendency to exaggerate when it comes to creatures—but this time, I didn’t!

            This whole snake incident made me think about leaving my backdoor open—not just the one to my house, but to my heart and mind. James 4:7 tells us not to give the devil a foothold, but so often, we allow negative thinking, anger, unforgiveness, hurt, and bitterness to reign, and it leaves the door open for hurt, broken relationships, and isolation.

            If I’ve learned anything, it’s to shut the door behind me—both physically, emotionally, and mentally. I did not enjoy knowing there was a ginormous snake in my house. And I definitely wouldn’t like one in my head or heart.

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