There’s nothing harder than asking for help. I’m a hard-headed, self-sufficient kind of gal. As of late, struggles with my physical body are screaming louder than my pride and I’m learning to accept help when offered, and in those extreme cases, ask for it too.

I guess it’s the feeling of weakness. Or burdening another person. Maybe it’s even the fear of being let down when I must depend on others. Then again it could be control issues—my own unrealistic expectations. Whatever it is, I’m not liking this season.
When another person asks me for help, if I am able, I’m Johnny on the spot. There’s nothing that brings me greater satisfaction than to know I can help someone else. But why is it so hard being on the receiving end?
Which leads me to Friday. I had some errands to run, and part of it required lifting a large, cumbersome box into the trunk of my car. Until I actually laid eyes on the box, I wasn’t worried, but then I realized it was going to really hurt my back if I put it in there by myself.
As I stood there, contemplating how I was going to maneuver the box, a fellow from church pulled up. “Something told me to stop by. You need some help?”
“Something? More like Someone! Yes. And thank you.” Relief flooded over me.
He hopped out, quickly lifted the box, and was on his way.
God knew I needed help. He also knows my level of hardheadedness. And he factored all of that into the equation and sent a friend to help me.
I’m grateful He saw me in that moment. That He prompted someone driving down the highway to pull into the parking lot. And he even made it where I didn’t have to ask, just receive.
He’s the God of right on time. He doesn’t always take away our issues and pain, but He sends people to walk beside us and help—if we let them. Are you open to receiving help? Or, like me, are you often a bit too hardheaded? If we let our pride fall, God will send the help we need—right on time.
I have never had a problem asking for help.
I wish I was better at it