Inspirational MusingsWeekly Column


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Posted By christyadams008

I’ve had the privilege of reconnecting with two old friends recently. I was asked to speak at a retreat, and I knew my friend from high school lived nearby, so I texted. It was lovely reconnecting and talking over coffee and breakfast. Twenty plus years seemed like a moment since we first became friends in high school. We commiserated over our bodies being uncooperative but joked and interacted like we did at seventeen—just with a little more wisdom under our belts.

            The second friend traveled nine hours to stay with me. We first met the summer after high school as summer staffers at Ridgecrest Conference Center. We clicked instantly and have remained in contact for the last twenty plus years. When she lived in southern Tennessee, we made sure to visit when we traveled there. She’s seen my kids grow up and we’ve stayed connected through occasional talks and visits. We joke that we are in a “reel”ationship because we send each other random Facebook and Instagram reels all the time. It’s wonderful knowing someone whose sense of humor is as unique as mine.

            The neatest part of my friend visiting was her getting to attend my church’s Love Loud Service Sunday. She jumped right in and joined a group at the laundromat. Afterward, we talked about how she felt so welcome, and she expressed that our church is what a church should look like. We laugh together. We love each other deeply. We lean on one another. And we are like family.

            My heart grew knowing she was so welcomed by my friends at church. I love my church family. And I’ve loved reconnecting with my friends. And the wonderful strand that runs through it all is Christ. We are all striving to live for him. Desperately desiring to honor him with our lives. And connected by the love and hope he alone can give.

            Do you have deep friendships that are like family? Do you have friends you need to reconnect with? Do you love in such a way that others know they are accepted and cherished? If you don’t have these types of connections, come to church with me. Or a friend. Nothing is sweeter than being with friends, whether near or far. I challenge you to connect or reconnect this week. There’s nothing sweeter.

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