We have birds living in our birdhouses for the first time. Four years ago, a friend gifted us with a martin house. Every year I’ve anxiously awaited visitors, and finally this year we have several martin families living in the house.
While I wrote this week, I watched the birds dipping and darting from my view beside the window. Rapid movement caught my eye on the edge of the birdhouse. Somehow, a martin had gotten stuck and was flapping relentlessly.
For an hour or more I watched other birds perch next to or on top of the birdhouse. Some made a dash toward the stuck bird, while others used their feet to grab him and help set him free. I was impressed at the efforts of these friends.
Made me think about freedom and how much goes into getting free. With Independence Day this week, I thought about all those men and women who perched alongside our nation and dipped and darted in aircraft, submarines, boats, and on land— all for the sake of freedom.
America is free because of continual sacrifice. We live in this great country because other people saw an oppressed, stuck nation and decided to change the course for future generations.
I’m so grateful for all the “birds” who stood beside our nation and never quit fighting for freedom. I’m thankful for the hard work, sacrifice, and diligence of leaders gone before us. And I’m thankful for God, who has continued to bless and sustain us.
May we never grow blind to the birds that get stuck. Let us reach out and help one another, as those did before us. Always showing kindness, love, and compassion—leaving no one stuck.
May God continue to bless America as those of us who still believe continue to stand for freedom.