Inspirational Musings

Yes, God! Now what is the question?

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Posted By christybassadams

Back in the spring of last year, our pastor challenged us to begin praying for opportunities to help other, younger believers learn how to grow in Christ. He challenged us to make ourselves available to God first and go ahead and say, “Yes,” to God; then wait for him to show us a direction.  I don’t even think that was a main point in the sermon that day, but it has totally changed the way that I pray.

Now, many of my prayers begin with, “Yes, God. I’m willing. I’m ready. Show me the direction. Make it evident and obvious what I’m saying yes to today and in the future.” And you know what? He hears and he answers. He opens my eyes to students, colleagues, phone calls, emails, or texts that are important. He puts people in my path. He burdens my heart to pray in ways I would have never done before. He reins in my words when I want to lash out. He helps me see the bigger picture in situations where he’s working that I would have never seen before. I’m realizing that “random” thoughts aren’t all that random and many months down the line a seemingly crazy idea I have been praying about comes into fruition and the timing is remarkable.

God doesn’t have to use me. He’s going to accomplish his business and receive glory with or without me. But oh, I do want to be used. How about you? Don’t you want to have firsthand knowledge of the amazing ways of our great and glorious God? Let’s make ourselves available to Him no matter the cost and start praying, “Yes, God! Now what is the question?

And let’s watch God orchestrate the the events that unfold. It’s going to blow your socks off.



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