Why do I wake up?
Spending a week away with little to no agenda (other than meals, naps, and reading) created a margin for stillness. Reflection. Introspection.
In one of those quiet moments, I considered my purpose. When I wake up every day, what is the reason I still have breath in my lungs? What am I supposed to do with this one life I’ve been given that will make a mark on the world?
During the busyness of normal life, these questions don’t have time to surface. The alarm dings and dings and dings. I slowly shuffle to the bathroom. Then head to the kitchen for coffee and breakfast. Journaling, Bible time, and prayer usually happen next, but even in those intentional times, rarely to I stop to consider the bigger why behind my days.
Sometimes the nagging hits me when I see others fulfilling their purpose in amazing ways. Other times I wipe a tear as I wonder if I’m making a difference. But even in those introspective moments, I don’t stop and deeply consider what my purpose is.
After slowing down enough to meet with myself (sounds crazy, huh?), I learned a few things. First, as long as I have breath in my lungs, God has a purpose for me on this earth. Next, being a mom is a pretty big deal. I am impacting two little humans who will grow up and impact other humans. That’s a significant purpose. Lastly, God has a purpose for me each day, if only I will look past the distractions of the day and take the time to find it.
How about you? Why do you wake up? Are you filling your days with insignificant routines and isolation? Or do you wake up each day asking God what he has in store?
If you have breath in your lungs, God can use you. The question is, are you asking him?