Founder of, Barb Winters, conducted a workshop at our church this past weekend entitled, Are You the Screen Hero Your Child Needs? She shared about the dangers of unmonitored online access to kids and teens and the unhealthy habits and dynamics created in their lives. She also highlighted the dangers and possible predators who are waiting to devour our children.
It’s easy to write these kinds of things off, especially when we are distracted or singularly focused. We need our kids quiet and entertained, so we put a screen in front of them. They eat breakfast, lunch, and supper in front of screens. Everything revolves around keeping them entertained and engaged, and who actually knows what their minds are taking in.
What is this teaching our kids? But more importantly, what is it not teaching them?
Socialization. Conversation. Imagination. Creation. Critical thinking. Love of nature. Relationships. Rest. Stillness. Calm. Patience.
We have a generation being educated, entertained, and raised by screens. And sadly, we are their models. No more book or magazine reading in doctor’s offices. Very few handwritten notes or cards. Audible car games and conversations are obsolete. And we have allowed this to happen. Because our noses are always in a screen.
I’m guilty. My phone is my calendar, alarm, connection to friends and family, entertainment, and security. Its buzz takes precedence over whatever I’m doing and interrupts meaningful activities. And what do we do on our phones? Scroll through pointless reels, spy on people through social media, check emails and other messages, and play ridiculous games. There are some important things as well, but overall, our phones keep us engaged in a virtual world and pull us away from real people.
As 2025 begins, I’m challenging myself to do better. Text messages can wait. Emails will be there later. The people in the room are the ones that matter most, and they need to be the ones who get and keep my attention.
Will you join me? Will you make a conscious effort to be present? Silence the noise of senseless media? Will you begin teaching your kids to be present and engage with those in the room as well? If we don’t, we will lose this generation.
Thank you, Christy
As always, this is something we need to think about.
Even us GiGi’s
All of us!
Christy, this is so timely! And not just for our kids. Brad and I are empty nesters, but I put my screens ahead of my husband all too often, even though his Love Language is Quality Time! Ouch. I needed that cold-water-in-the-face, so thank you!!
I’m sorry it ouched, but then again, I’m glad. I had to look at myself too. So easy to disappear…