So, we are running out of fresh water for washing. Usually we get it from the creek. Right now, because of the run off and snow melt, the creek is muddy and not fit for indoor use. Roger, Ben, Lane, and Opie spent the morning up the creek a long way in the hills behind camp trying to dig out a diversion ditch to catch the mud and run it away from the creek. It didn’t work, so David, Don, Roger, Ben, Opie, Les and Lane are trying to drill into the ice out in the middle of the riverd pump water into a 50 gallon container and then carry it by 6 wheeler back to the main cabin. The first attempt, the generator was not strong enough; then the drill wasn’t working; then the pump quit. Ben and Les walked across the frozen river to go exploring while the other guys fixed the equipment. They seem to have had success because Lane and David keep yelling up and down the outside steps and I hear water being poured into the 200 gallon tank upsairs. Yipee! That means we can hopefully take a shower soon. Lane took one last night and Jake and Evans did a halfway one with heated up water. The rest of the guys are past the point! And my hair is in desperate need of de-sliming!

Jake and Evans have been working on the bull dozer again today. I think they finally got a piece out of it that they were after. We had moose for supper last night and again at lunch. It was great. Mrs. Carole is making apple pies and some other concoction that smells really great. Supper should be yummy, as usual.

Carter and I have been observers today.We have ridden around and taken pics of all the guys doing their different jobs. We sat out on the floating dock (that isn’t floating right now because the river is frozen) and we watched the water drilling adventure. Carter also rode on David’s shoulders through the woods to check on the guys digging a ditch earlier.  He’s having a big time playing and making faces at everyone as they come in the door.

Some of the guys have seen wolverine tracks on the runway. I made sure to take a picture of them. Wolverine are real skiddish so Roger says.  The guys that went across the river said that they found wolf tracks on the island across the way. They are real stand-offish, so no worries there. We hope to see a bear at some point, but no luck so far, not even tracks.

Roger has been doing a devotion with everyone in the morning. Been really challenging us to dig deep and see our true hearts and what we really believe. Really simple but to the point.

You never know what is going to happen at camp and what adventures will find you! The guys are loving it. Oh, and the small generator is not functioning properly. Please pray for it as it means that we have electricity here. Fixing to go for a walk. Oh, and the mosquitoes have found us. Holy moly they are big! They look more like our mosquito hawks in Florida.

Until next time…

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