This is a guest blog from a dear friend of mine, Sherry Croft. If you have ever lost someone you love, these words will resonate deeply with your soul. If this ministers to you, will you please let Sherry know by commenting? As always, thanks for reading.
Two Words
By Sherry A. Croft
“She’s gone.”
Two words
Life-changing words
Heart-wrenching words
Suffocating words
She’s gone.
Piercing text
Jolting message
Recorded forever
She’s gone.
Wailing begins
Can’t stop
I’m crushed
She’s gone.
Shivering inside
Heart frozen
I’m cold
She’s gone.
Eternity called
Fight over
Pain ended
Time passes
Memories stoked
Gratefulness blazes
I’m okay
She’s gone.
Two words
Better said
“She’s home.”