In my high school psychology class, I was introduced to the importance of physical touch. We read about Frederick’s experiment where newborns were taken from their mothers at birth and placed in the care of nurses. King Frederick instructed them not to speak in earshot of the children or touch them. He was conducting a language experiment; however the children never developed a language of their own. Instead, they died. Without human interaction, they did not live.
Scientists have studied the importance of human connection for years. During many of these experimental studies, they’ve discovered astounding results. Physical touch, more specifically, hugs, are beneficial to living a better life.
- When a person going through difficult circumstances receives a hug, it is shown to activate certain sensors in the brain that bring calm and reduce stress.
- In one study, hugs were thought to keep people healthier. Hugging reduced the chances of a person getting sick, and those who did come down with an illness had less severe symptoms if they had a strong support system.
- Hugs can possibly improve your heart health. Physical touch through hand holding and hugs showed a reduction in blood pressure and heart rate.
- We are happier when we hug those we care about. Oxytocin is a chemical that is released in our bodies when we hug, touch, or sit close to someone. It is known as the happiness hormone. This chemical reduces blood pressure, and the stress hormone called norepinephrine.
- When we are afraid, hugs can help. Ever held a stuffed animal, pet, or loved one when spooked? Scientists are beginning to belief hugs can help reduce anxiety.
Beyond scientific studies, hugs are a way to express love and care to the people who are important to us. When we are struggling through hard times, there is a tendency to isolate. Retreat. Disappear. But when a friend or loved one shows up, arms stretched wide, the emotional walls fall to the ground and we melt into their arms. When a child climbs in our lap and wraps their arms around our neck, the emotions are overflowing.
This week, even if people freak you out or hugging isn’t your thing, either allow a hug from a treasured person in your life or give one as a sign of love and care. We truly need each other, and what better way than to hug a neck and show the other person just how much they matter.
I love this reminder to hug. For me that was one of the hardest things to deal with during the pandemic. No hugs. I’m a never met a stranger person who hugs automatically. Wish I was close enough to hug you!
Gosh me too! We will have to make it happen again!