My fingers dug into the silty soil. Desperate, my eyes darted in every direction, hoping to see through the murky […]

“Daddy! Frank and Yella Dog caught something black. Hurry. Get out here, quick!” my oldest excitedly instructed. Next thing I […]

Watching Papa Die
(Update: Papa passed away the day after I wrote this and we had his funeral this past Thursday.) Some things […]

When Leaders Fall
Rarely do I write about politics or news events, but this week, my heart is burdened over the recent investigation […]

Hug Them Twice
What a tragic loss our community has suffered this weekend. My heart is heavy, and it aches for all involved […]

Losing Our Hair
“Did we catch him last night?” “Nope, but the little guy has to have a bald backside by now,” David […]

Walking Wounded
“Mama, what does lame mean? Dada said the rocky horse went lame.” “When a real horse or animal is lame, […]

Not My Vineyard
King Ahab and his Queen, Jezebel, were infamous for so many terrible actions. This week, I was reminded of one […]

Redneck Engineering
Sometimes it seems that Jeff Foxworthy should look into my life to get some new material. I mean, seriously, if […]

The End of the Old
In order for something to begin, there must be an end. The end of a year. The end of a […]