I was reading Woman of Influence by Pam Farrel. It’s a great read. In chp 8, she talks about how we need to have fuel behind our passions. She calls this fuel intensity. In this particular section, she was talking about how we do things for God. In the midst of the project or activity, we see God work in a way that is undoubtedly bigger than anything we could every do-we know God showed up powerfully. Then, just as soon as we finish, the attacks come. “After you have accomplished something you know was only by God’s power and grace, watch out for flying arrows! Satan wants to destroy your joy.” Boy is there a lot of truth in those words!

It seems that when we leave an event/retreat/bible study, finish a God-driven project, or just had a great hour or so in the presence of God, that the enemy doesn’t like it. He does anything he can to trip us up, beginning with tempting us to doubt God. If that doesn’t work, then he turns to mind games. If we can become our own worst enemy, then we will destroy ourselves. Pam Farrel challenges us: “We should never doubt in the darkness what we know to be true in the light.” When we get bombarded, we have to depend on God’s truths. In order to depend on those truths, we have to be telling ourselves the truth when things are going well so that we have something to fall back on. If we are constantly berating ourselves or pointing out our weaknesses and flaws, then where do we fall when times are tough? Even deeper into the lies.

I know for me, it’s easy to tell myself the truth when times are good. But when the going gets tough, I’ve had sleepless nights and I’m worn out, the darts just start coming-that’s when telling myself the truth is the hardest. I usually wallow in self-pity for a little while before I realize what’s going on. But, not long into the wallowing, the Holy Spirit finally breaks through and I’m reminded who I am. I am God’s beloved. I am a daughter of the King. I am forgiven. I am free. I am loved. I’m special. God has a plan for me. Once I start speaking truth, the easier it is to remember more truth.

I want to challenge you, in the words of Pam Farrel: “We should never doubt in the darkness what we know to be true in the light.” Speak truth to yourself about yourself, speak truth about God to yourself, especially when it’s the hardest to believe. 


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