Inspirational Musings

Ready My Heart

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Posted By christyadams008

I had the privilege of attending Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference at the end of May on the campus of Ridgecrest, nestled in the North Carolina mountains. I studied the long list of classes for each of the ten sessions. After researching the different presenters and class descriptions, I confidently circled my top choices for each time slot. After the morning keynote address and again before each course offering, I prayed and asked God to show me that I had made the right decision and if I hadn’t, to direct me to class that would be best. Even though I was sure of my selections, I wanted to stay open in case there was a class the Lord needed me in.

And do you know what? Six out of ten class choices changed after I prayed, some at the last minute. Those new choices were the exact classes I was supposed to attend, not the ones I had originally anticipated. The information I gained from those presenters was exactly what I have been looking and praying for and God met me in those rooms. Ideas, direction, and resources I hadn’t even considered were tossed out like breadcrumbs, and by the end of the week, everything came together I had a whole new direction that I didn’t even know to be looking for.

 But would have happened if I had ignored those last-minute changes? I would have missed out on the material that was meant for me at that conference. I’m a firm believer that when we commit our lives to the Lord, he will order our steps, but we have to release control. My ideas aren’t his. But when his ideas fall into the heart of a willing vessel, oh the amazing moments that can happen from there.

As you go about your week, don’t forget to leave space for last minute changes. Plans are good, but don’t be so attached to the schedule and routine that you miss an opportunity to help someone else. Or learn something new. Or meet a need. Or praise God for his creation.

Ready my heart, God. Don’t let me miss a thing.

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