I’ll never forget the wonder of entering Mrs. Cherry’s used bookstore for the first time. Stacks of books rose from the floor ushering customers toward the maze of bookshelves behind the front entrance. The smell of ancient pages permeated my senses, and I worked hard to pick my jaw up off the floor. For what seemed like an eternity, I stood. Slowly, my head turned in all directions. Books. Everywhere. All genres. New and old. Never had I visited such an amazing place.
My love for reading began in the womb with my mom’s insistence to read magazines and books out loud while carrying me inside. She continued reading to us and when I became an independent reader, I sneaked books and a flashlight into bed with me for entertainment after dark. Being sent to my room was never a real punishment because books were some of my best friends.
Even as an adult, my favorite places to visit are bookstores, especially ones with used books. My favorite part is picking up a book that looks intriguing, reading the back cover, then flipping through the pages. Kindles are great, but there is something mesmerizing about holding a book in my hands, smelling the pages, and realizing someone’s dream and hard work rests in my grip.
As I viewed my calendar, I remembered this week is Read Across America Week in the school system. Each year, teachers engage their students in fun, creative activities and events related to reading. Many younger students will learn about Dr. Seuss and the plethora of rhymes he created being that this week is also his birthday. Older students may be encouraged to read a novel together or create a project that represents their favorite characters. Any language arts or English teacher worth their salt will be celebrating reading this week and motivating their kids to love books like I do.
Even though most of us reading this aren’t in school, we can still celebrate the joy of reading. Pick up a book and pledge to finish it this week. If it’s good, pass it along and visit the author’s Amazon page to leave a review. If you don’t know where to start, send me a message and I’ll be glad to share one of the books I’ve written with you. No matter what age or stage, let’s all take time to hold and read a book this week. Maybe it will even change your life.