Since we left camp Tuesday, I’ve been having a hard time remembering to flush. I know, that doesn’t seem like a weird thing, but to me it is. I rarely have to even think about it when I’m in the bathroom. I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out why I can’t remember to flush. Then it hit me – for almost 2 weeks, I used the outhouse and I didn’t have to flush! Ha. Makes total sense now. Have to retrain myself:).
Last night, Carter was super tired and fell asleep about 8:30. I laid him down in his room and went to bed. Midnight came around, the whole house was asleep, and I hear Carter in his room boohoo crying. I came running and he had elephant tears pouring down his face. He had woken up, got out of bed, and was walking around his room, seemingly lost. I tried turning the light back off and crawling into bed with him but nothing seemed to help. I carried him into our room, put him to bed with us, and he was still boohooing. I got him some water, found his stuffed monkey, got his pacifier, but nothing seemed to help. Finally I got up and turned on the bathroom light so I could see him a little better. The light being on calmed him down. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks – he hasn’t seen darkness in 2 weeks! The dark was freaking him out! I left the light on and he slept till 9:15 this morning. I never would have thought the light and dark difference would have effected him like that! Crazy how a little change effects us.