Falling is where you gain the definition for the rest of your life. Are you going to be defined by the fall? Or will you humble yourself, own your mistakes, and run to the only Person who will make you victorious?

We Shouldn’t Be Attending Funerals
Saying goodbye to two friends in less than two months has been hard. We have cried until we hurt all […]

A Different Kind of Good
I saw her across the store. She was tired and weary; it was written all over her face. The cashier […]

Bring Your Broken Tracks
Daniel desperately tried to fix the broken track today. He pushed and jammed but nothing made the tracks go back […]

“Holy Pokey”
I taught Daniel how to do the Hokey Pokey this week and he is a huge fan. As usual, […]

Stuck in a Rut
We started down the driveway and hit the clay road. The first few curves were a little slick, but nothing […]
Remember. Be Present.
I pulled up to the mailbox yesterday and opened the door. For a split second I imagined a small box […]
One Letter Changes the Whole Story
There are some things in life that I just don’t question, and my brother is one of them. Stuff just […]
Yaya, Close Eyes!
We were privileged to have my parents join us at 11:00 service at church today. Daniel, my silly and busy […]
Dada! Are you?
One of Daniel’s new things is looking for people when they leave his immediate line of sight. So tonight, we […]