Who Am I?
I am a used-to-be elementary teacher who has a great fondness for bad jokes, boogers, and bugs. I was a terrible math student in school, but once I began teaching 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders, my love for it grew. I found ways to incorporate literature, writing, and poetry into my math classroom, and boy did we have fun!
I took a leap of faith in 2010 and quit teaching elementary school. My identity was in what I did and not in Christ, and letting that last piece of my identity go was essential in learning how to truly find my purpose in God. I spent that summer on my knees, seeking God in a way I never had. Even after surrendering my job of teaching and being willing to let it go, God was gracious and opened the door for part-time teaching at North Florida College and Saint Leo University. I taught future teachers how to teach for nearly a decade and absolutely loved it as much or more as teaching little guys. And I got to be my students' biggest encourager as they fulfilled their calling in the teaching profession.
The best part about that job change was the privilege of being able to be at home with my kids. Carter was born in 2011 and Daniel in 2015. They are the sunshine in my day and the rainbow over my life. They regularly teach me how to be a better person and I have learned to love more deeply than I ever imagined possible since God so graciously gifted us with their presence.
More Currently
In 2019, I accepted a part-time position at our church, Fellowship Baptist, as the Outreach and Connections Coordinator. At first, I was hesitant to accept this job. There was a season in my walk with Christ where I greatly missed the mark and allowed long-term, habitual sin to remain in my life. I paid God a bunch of lip-service during that time, but lacked in the sincerity department. Even though I knew God had healed me and brought me to the other side of that season, I still feared leading wrongly and messing up. Insecurity tried to win, but finally I surrendered and asked God to keep me focused and take me where he wanted me to go.
I'm so thankful God opened this door, because I absolutely love my job! I get to connect people, shepherd folks, and help in tangible ways through our food ministry in the community. Regularly, I encourage the Body of Christ and get to tell others about the hope I have in Jesus. Weekly, I teach a women's class on Sunday mornings and am also privileged to write curriculum and teach during the summers for our ladies group. Monthly, I speak at Honey Lake Clinic, which is an amazing opportunity that has fulfilled me in ways unimaginable. I couldn't ask for a better way to spend my time!
Home Life
I've been married for over two decades. These years have been both interesting but wonderful years, married to a good ole country boy. When I was praying about a future mate (a long time ago) one of my requests was that I didn't want to get bored in our marriage. Boy, did God take me seriously on that one! David brought a giant snapping turtle home for our first anniversary, two wild hogs (who we named Boss and Lulu) on our second anniversary, and he regularly throws random reptiles into our kitchen, just to see me scramble and scream! He has wrecked the same boat three different times and finally retired it. He runs heavy equipment which means I've had to learn, too! We slowly built our own home (It took over six years!). We have a sawmill, and I learned how to do all of the finish work like walls, ceilings, and cabinets. We used different types of wood in each of the rooms, all of which came either from our farm or from acreage down the road. Super exciting and never boring!
I have the cutest sons ever (yes, of course I believe that!) who always make me smile. They love Sunday afternoons when we get to explore the river and ride four-wheelers in the field out front. We live in the woods where it is okay for little boys to pee off the front porch and run around in their underdrawers, and they take full advantage!
In 2022, we traveled to Kokrine Hills Bible Camp in Alaska as a family. We served there for two weeks with others from our church and learned so many lessons.
My Books
In 2021, I signed my first book contract with Wordcrafts Press for a devotional entitled, Learning As I Go: Big Lessons from Little People. It released September, 2022. My second contract was for a fiction series for 8-12 year olds, called The Adventures of Cricket and Kyle. The first book, Imagination Checkers, released September, 2023. The sequel, The Secret Door was released November 20, 2024.
One of my most exciting adventures as of late is writing and teaching the Bible study, Called to Christ: Becoming a Sold-Out Follower of Jesus. After teaching it over the summer, I was asked to teach it to our association of churches, which has opened the door for me teaching this study in person and broadcasting it live for anyone on the internet to view. The workbook is on Amazon now and I can't wait to see how God uses this study to challenge and grow other ladies across the world.
I am blessed. Even when life gets crazy and messy and everything falls apart, I am blessed.
I love Jesus. I love to write. And I hope to reach people with my words and my life.
I would love for you to follow along and join me on this journey. Make sure to subscribe and never miss an adventure!
As for me, I will continue Learning As I Go....

You are a breath of fresh air!
That’s so sweet of you. Thanks, new friend!
Thank you for your heartfelt devotion message in The Secret Place on July 29th, 2023! ✝️
So welcome. Thank you for searching me out to tell me!
Okay, so I flunked your little test, but what I know about Christy is that she has a gift from God because she IS a gift from God. She has been so helpful from time to time with teaching Disciple Now at FBC of Pinetta, and has a powerful testimony. Go girl and go God!
That’s too kind, my friend.
Hi Christy, I was locked out of my old email. My new one has a number 1. In searching you out I see you have quite an online presence and following!
I’ll add you. I’m glad you searched me out.