Inspirational Musings

We Never Know Until We Try

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Posted By christyadams008

My little guy, Daniel, is almost 3. I am the preschool director for Vacation Bible School this week and I was very unsure about whether to let him join my group or not. The first night, he was miserable in the nursery so he ended up with me in preschool, and much to my surprise, he did great. He sang the songs, followed directions, talked to his leaders, played the games and made the crafts. He has blown me away this week.

As I was watching him sing and dance tonight, I realized that sometimes we have to just give something a try. I had so many doubts and questions about whether Daniel was ready, but he totally rocked it. At home, he is a busy two year old, but when presented with the chance, he became a mature almost three year old. If we don’t take the chance, we will never know whether something is possible.

Step out of your comfort zone this week. Do something that you are unsure about. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised at the joyous outcome of stepping out of the familiar.

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