Inspirational Musings

Serving Passionately and Consistently

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Posted By christybassadams

Sunday school today was thought provoking. I left trying to answer the question posed: In what area could I serve God Passionately and Consistently? That may not have been the exact question, but that has now become my question. The last time I served consistently I had mixed motives. I was serving ankle deep in a lot of areas that I thought were worthy of my time and energy and that had a real need. The problem was that I was doing it to make my outside look good. I felt obligated to serve and step up into a leadership role because no one else would take the lead. I CAN lead, but I shouldn’t have been leading during that time because of the condition of my heart. I was self-absorbed and over-ridden with sin.

So, now, here I am, 3 years later. I desperately want to get involved and I want to serve, but I’m really not sure what that looks like. I’ve always served with a jaded heart. Now, God has given me a second chance at life with new eyes and a new heart. My entire life has changed since He was invited to join. I’ve relearned a lot of things, but now it’s time to relearn how to serve passionately and consistently in an area that fits me and honors God.

The only thing that keeps running through my mind is that above all, I love to write. I’m moved and touched by a lot of things, but I have been given the ability to communicate with words. How can I use my words to influence others on a consistent basis? I already know that I’m passionate about words, there’s no question there. It’s the whole being committed and consistent with my passion. Unreigned passion is hit or miss and might impact a few, but reigned passion could impact a generation if applied appropriately. 

So, writing. Until I run across something else that I could pour my very being into without blinking an eye, writing will be my goal. God, open doors for others to be influenced and inpacted by my writing. Inspire my words and open doors. And please, give me the wisdom and the courage to walk through the ones you leave open.

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